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Stagedoor Manor Photos
Summer 2001
Gallery #2: Group Shots

Gallery 1: Characters

* Gallery 2: Group Shots

* Gallery 3: More Groups

* Gallery 4: Cabaret

* Gallery 5: The Shows

* Gallery 6: Staff Shots

* Gallery 7: More Staff

Click on the photos to see a larger version.
(Full-size image will load in a new window).

Characters #1
"It's okay guys... We'll look after the pool for ya!" - Chad & Kyle take charge
Characters #2
Mike gives a lesson in Room Tidying 101
Characters #3
Jesse models the new season's look...
Characters #4
"They're casting me as a what?!!"
- Jeff and friend
Characters #5
"Our sink just fell off the wall!!"
- Michael and Fazio in Ghettoville
Characters #6
"Guys, guys... Just settle it down, Yeh?!"
- James & Yale entertain JV
Characters #7
The infamous Liam in his normal guise...
Characters #8
And Liam disguised as a clothes rack...
(Winner of Best Hiding Place 2001 ;-))
Characters #9
Ashley comes to visit big-bro Michael
Characters #10
"The Voodoo Princesses will not sleep!"
- Fazio & Mike in Egyptian mode
Continue onto
Gallery 2: Group Shots
Gallery #2: Group Shots